Middle School Assessments
At the middle school level, students will participate in a number of required state tests. Please see the chart below.
NC End-of-Grade Reading Test (EOG): 3rd-8th grades
Purpose: Assess mastery of grades 3-8 reading based on N.C. Standard Course of Study Standards
NC End-of-Grade Math Test (EOG): 3rd-8th grades
Purpose: Assess mastery of grades 3-8 math based on N.C. Standard Course of Study Standards
NC End-of-Grade Science Test (EOG): 8th grade only
Purpose: Assess mastery of grade 6-8 science based on Essential Standards
NC End-of-Course Math I Test (EOC): 8th grade only
Purpose: Assess mastery of Math I N.C. Standard Course of Study Standards
Final Exam English I: 8th grade only
Purpose: Assess master of English I N.C. Standard Course of Study Standards
Final Exams Science: 6th and 7th grades only
Purpose: Assess mastery of 6 and 7 grade science Essential Standards
Final Exams Social Studies: 6th-8th grades
Purpose: Assess mastery of 6-8 grade social studies based on the Essential Standards
Middle Level students also participate in formative and benchmark assessments. These are much shorter assessments that help teachers and school leaders to guide instruction based on how students are progressing with the concepts in class. Schools may make assignments for remediation and enrichment based on the outcomes of the assessments.
High School Assessments
During high school, students will take various tests that assess their abilities, competencies, interests, and aptitudes. Some of the assessment instruments that may be used are listed below.
At the conclusion of each course, an exam is administered to assess students’ growth. This exam counts 20% of the student’s final grade in the course. Semester exams include End-of-Course Tests, North Carolina Final Exams (NCFE), CTE post assessments, and/or teacher made exams. Seniors may be exempt from non-State exams under the following guidelines:
Year-Long Courses
- 6 or fewer absences with an A average
- 4 or fewer absences with a B average
- 2 or fewer absences with a C average
Block Courses
- 3 or fewer absences with an A average
- 2 or fewer absences with a B average
- 1 or fewer absences with a C average
NO exemptions can occur in any course in which a state exam (EOC, NCFE, and/or CTE Post Assessment) is administered. NO exemptions can occur for CCP/LCC classes. Students enrolled in AP courses are also required to take a teacher-made exam as the final exam at the end of first semester.
ACCESS for ELLs – Limited English Proficiency (LEP) students must be assessed at the time of their initial enrollment and annually thereafter. The testing window for this annual assessment is from February 1 to March 24.
Advanced Placement (AP) Tests – A course requirement for AP courses is for students to take the AP exam administered by College Board in May. Colleges use scores on AP tests to award college credit for the course taken in high school.
The American College Test (ACT) – This test measures aptitude and skill in English, math, social studies, and science. Each subject area is graded on a scale score from 1 – 36. The four subject area scale score is then averaged to give students an overall composite score. The ACT is given to all 11th graders in the spring semester and can be used for college admission.
Pre-ACT – This test simulates the ACT testing experience by providing students early exposure to ACT test-quality questions and predictive score ranges on the familiar 1–36 scale. This helps students become comfortable with the testing experience and understand how they are doing in core subjects. It also helps parents and educators identify areas where additional support might be necessary. The Pre-ACT is given to all 10th graders in the fall semester.
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) – This test measures developed abilities and predicts what a person could accomplish with training or further education.
End-of-Course (EOC) Tests – Aligned with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, EOC tests are developed by the State of North Carolina and administered as the final exam in three designated high school courses. These courses are English II, Biology, and Math I.
Final Exams – At the end of each semester, exams are administered to measure a student’s knowledge in the subject area. Exams include state exams, North Carolina final exams (NCFE), and/or teacher made exams.
International Baccalaureate (IB) Exams – IB uses several ways to assess student knowledge and understanding of IB subjects. Each subject is tested through a number of different elements, or components. Exams are taken at the end of the program of study.
Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) – This test is an abbreviated form of the SAT and is designed to provide students with an opportunity to practice taking a test similar to the SAT. Given in October, the scores are used to determine if a junior qualifies for National Merit / Achievement Scholarship competition. Sophomores and juniors are strongly encouraged to take the PSAT in preparation for future PSATs and SATs.
Scholastic Assessment Test I (SAT I) – This test measures a student’s mathematical, reading, and writing & language skills. The composite score range is from 400 – 1600. It is recommended that four-year college bound students who are enrolled in or who have completed Math III register to take the SAT. Students must self-register for this test as it is not given during school hours. Students may register at
WorkKeys – The WorkKeys test is administered as a career-readiness measure to only 12th graders who are CTE concentrators.