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News & Announcements

Celebration of Science fair highlights student innovation and ingenuity

On a warm January day, students from every grade level across Lenoir County Public Schools gathered together at the Kinston High School performing arts center to showcase their science fair projects. These students won the science fair at their individual school, and this was a chance to highlight their success and demonstrate ingenuity among LCPS students.

Read More about Celebration of Science fair highlights student innovation and ingenuity
Notice of PowerSchool Cybersecurity Incident

Like every other school system in North Carolina and many across the nation and around the world, LCPS has been notified by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction that a data breach has occurred involving the vendor for student information data management used by North Carolina's public schools, a company called PowerSchool.  

There is nothing NCDPI, LCPS or any of the school systems across North Carolina could have done to prevent this incident, as neither we, nor DPI, have access to where the breach occurred. Protecting student and teacher data continues to be a top priority for the NC Department of Public Instruction and for our school system.  We will provide updates when any new information becomes available.

Read More about Notice of PowerSchool Cybersecurity Incident

Social Media

LCPS: Your School System of Choice

From academics to fine arts to athletics, from clubs to science competitions, Lenoir County Public Schools strives to provide a well-rounded school experience for all students in all grades in all schools. That's one of the reasons that nearly 90 percent of all school-age youth in Lenoir County attend LCPS.

Two fourth-grade girls work with iPads
Digital Learning

LCPS sets the standard for digital learning. No other district in the nation has more Apple Distinguished Schools.

Digital Learning

Female teacher cheers on students involved in tug-of-war.
Female high school students costumed as a mermaid sings in musical.
Fine Arts

From chorus to theater to band, LCPS provides opportunities for all students to explore their interests and showcase their talents.

Fine Arts

Yeacher at white board in middle school class.
Female high school student works at a compujter in drafting class.
Career & Technical Education

 More than 2,000 of our middle and high school students take part in CTE classes, exploring career interests that can become career opportunities.

Careet & Technical Education

Seniors at nighttime outdoor graduation toss graduation caps in celebration.

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